As part of our ongoing public relations work with Weller Development and the Port Covington neighorhood, Maroon PR recently arranged a strategic local media blitz in an effort to change the recent narrative of misconceptions being shared in the media about Port Covington. In order to shine a light and further reinforce the project’s progress, our goal was to re-educate the media through personal tours. Our team secured onsite walkthroughs for various media outlets, led by Marc Weller and other members of the Port Covington team. Giving the reporters access to the construction site in real time, they were able to see the site’s development and ask the Weller Development team specific questions. The walkthroughs were successful in clearing up any misconceptions and generating positive news for the high profile project.

Upon visiting the site, Kendall Green from WMAR and Lorraine Mirabella from the Baltimore Sun speak of the extensive work being done to create something new and exciting for Baltimore. Fox 45 portrayed a similar narrative of hope for the project and its impact on the community. David Collins added to the outpour of media positivity as he reinforces Port Covington as “one of the largest urban revitalization projects in the country” on WBAL-TV. WJZ quotes Marc Weller and excitedly compares the area to Baltimore’s popular Inner-Harbor destination. Marc Weller was also given the opportunity to join the WBAL-AM morning show to showcase Port Covington’s progress and promises kept to the Baltimore market.

With several stories that shared positive narratives about the current progress of Port Covington, the result of this media blitz was significant with 5,199,058 total impressions. This earned media effort is just one of many strategies our team is using to share news and community impact coming out of Baltimore’s next great neighborhood. 

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