Our VP of Media Relations, Matt Williams, joined Maroon PR just a few months before COVID-19 hit. It’s been quite a year for Matt as he settled into his new role while we all figured out how to work effectively during a pandemic. If there’s one big take away from the last year for Matt, it’s that he understands the need for businesses, and people, to evolve.

Matt’s reflection. 

The word “respect” has kept me motivated this year for a number of reasons.  First, I respect our team and my teammates.  We work hard and we deliver results for great clients and I respect that work ethic.  Second, I respect our clients.  We are very fortunate to have great clients that do wonderful work in their respective fields.  Working for clients that I respect makes the job much easier.  Finally, I respect the work we do.  With virtually every client, the work that we do results in a positive effect on other people or our community as a whole.

What has been your favorite or most impactful client effort recently, and why?

While I enjoy working with the Classic Five golf courses because I love golf, I have really enjoyed Classic Five’s recent launch of an environmental improvement effort at the courses that will have a positive impact on the local environment and the wildlife that shares the land with the golf courses.  CEO Tom Pierce and his team are proving that you can run a successful business and be a good community citizen too.

What have you learned in the past year as it relates to the PR industry, our agency, your personal growth?

You can’t stop evolution.  Our industry is constantly changing and our agency – and our people – have to evolve to be successful.  Those that successfully evolve and adapt are successful. Those that don’t will not be as successful and may get left behind.

What have you learned FROM your clients?

This isn’t a revelation, but over the past year, the idea that “once size does NOT fit all” has been reinforced.  Our clients work in different ways, at different speeds and there is a wide range of ways we can assist them.  ALL of them are good at what they do, but the road to success is different for each of them, and that is important to remember.

What is one thing you’ve learned from a MPR teammate?

I’ve learned the value of determination from John Maroon.  I’ve known John since he started the firm 15 years ago, and his determination to succeed – in spite of challenges and a changing industry landscape – is inspiring.

And just for fun…. 

If you could have lunch with anyone past or present, who would it be, and why?

I would have lunch with Martin Luther King, Jr.  I would love to know his thoughts on the world today compared to the 60’s and what he believes the future holds.  I wouldn’t say much…I would just listen.

What’s your PR super power? 

My PR super power is the ability to stay even keeled.  We all have wins and losses, but over the years I’ve learned that the extremes of life are rarely as good or bad as they appear.  There is a sweet spot somewhere in the middle.

What’s one thing at your work space that you can’t live without?

Family photos around my desk keep me happy.  They remind me of the values my parents instilled in me, along with where I’ve been in my life and where I want to go.

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